

Digital Art

A series of imaginary thorn flowers designed together with Maya Ben-David for the Jerusalem Biennale 2019.

The project looks at three main thorn flower groups common to Israel throughout history. We wanted to keep the flower identity and go with its morphology, yet at the same time, suggest a protection approach which doesn’t “sting”. We connected the thorns edges one to the other to form a closed structure that closing on the stamens to ensure that animals can’t reach it. Since thorns flowers are constructed by a complex morphology even small interventions lead to new, yet familiar structures.

To mimic nature we used algorithmic software that allowed us to generate and manipulate these shapes. 




Supported by: Su-Pad, printed in Stratasys @Vero White
Commissioned by: Jerusalem Biennale


Scolymus maculatus 960X960
wild artichoke 960X960
echinops white 1920X960
all thorns 1920x960 2

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